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Infrastructure Detection

Public transportation systems represent valuable infrastructure of economic importance. They connect wide urban areas, have multiple access points, and gather masses of people in enclosed spaces. These characteristics make attractive targets for CBRN terrorism that aims to disrupt services 
and cause public panic, casualties, and economic loss. As a part of comprehensive concept of operations, reliable CBRN monitoring gives early warning and enables protection and further countermeasures to mitigate the hazardous effects. 

  • Scalable, modular, and redundant system solution designed with proven CBRN expertise 

  • Detection, Data processing, and System software, making 3rd party systems easy to integrate

  • Ease of use and low life-cycle costs

  • Full life-time support  every time

Infrastructure det

Subway CBRN


The requirements for CBRN monitoring systems are formed by local risk assessments and concept of operations. In general, CBRN detectors are installed in several critical areas in the subway systems. The optimal placement and amount of sensors can be determined by site surveys and by simulating dispersions of the hazardous agents in a target and studying the dispersal patterns and detector capabilities. Test and evaluation periods provide understanding of the limits of detection and assist in creating targeted responses to different threats. EnviScreen CBRN Monitoring Systems integrate a variety of instrumentation from CBRN detectors to camera surveillance. Real-time situational awareness and guidance is provided for the operators through the proprietary EnviScreen Operix system software in the control centers - measurement and event data can be displayed in overall and station specified views. The EnviScreen Systems integrate easily to 3rd party systems like facility management systems to control vital operations. 

  • Scalable, modular, and redundant system solution designed with proven CBRN expertise 

  • Detection, Data processing, and System software, making 3rd party systems easy to integrate

  • Ease of use and low life-cycle costs

  • Full life-time support  every time

Subway System

Monitoring Brochure


Airport CBRN


Airports represent easily accessible critical infrastructure that gathers regularly masses of people and goods clustered in enclosed environment and transported fast around the globe. Illicit trafficking of hazardous material and intentional CBRN agent releases affect the whole airport, but the assets that are critical and strategic to continuous airport operations, security and emergency management are among the most obvious and vulnerable targets for sabotage and terrorism. These include passengers and cargo/mail with their respective terminals, airport employees, air traffic control towers, control rooms for security and emergency management, airline facilities and HVAC systems - to name but a few. 

  • Scalable, modular, and redundant system solution designed with proven CBRN expertise 

  • Detection, Data processing, and System software, making 3rd party systems easy to integrate

  • Ease of use and low life-cycle costs

  • Full life-time support  every time

Airport System

Monitoring Brochure




Considerable amounts of radiological material are legally used and transported daily, increasing the odds of accidents happening, material misplacement or ending up in terrorist hands. Because these threats cannot be neglected it’s crucial to efficiently monitor people and goods passing through border stations to prevent illicit trafficking of radioactive material. These large masses passing through international borders set high requirements for reliable system solutions.

It’s crucial for countries to be able to efficiently monitor people and goods passing through borders to prevent e.g. illicit trafficking of radioactive material. For example, handling large masses passing through international airports requires reliable tools for monitoring and separating the natural background variation from unnatural radioactive sources. These requirements pose high demands for reliable system solutions.
Environics provides a sophisticated system to meet the high standards for radio nuclide detection and identification in the highly trafficked locations. Our system provides reliable results from passengers to freight containers and large trucks. The flexibility of the system allows the customer to choose exactly the right detector compilation that fits their needs.

Port/Border System 



RASco Engineering - Environcs Sales and Support


RASco Inc. Engineers - Designers - Consultants - Est. 1991

 Woodbridge, Virginia, USA


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